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What To Expect

The National Center for Disease Control released guidelines regarding social distancing and masks, and Governor Cooper announced related changes to pandemic restrictions in North Carolina. While the pandemic is not fully behind us, and we need to continue to be mindful of and concerned for all those with health vulnerabilities, our congregation is implementing the recent federal and state guidance in our worship services.

Here’s what to expect when you join us for worship at Hope Lutheran Church.

  • Social distancing will not be required. Open seating in the sanctuary will be available. For those who wish to maintain social distancing, seating will be available in the back of the church.
  • Masks will not be required, but are still strongly recommended for those who are not fully vaccinated.
  • Children will be invited to come forward to the altar area for the children’s message.
  • Holy Communion will be served from the altar rail. You may kneel or stand to receive communion. 
  • You may receive the wine either from the individual glasses or the chalice. White grape juice is provided in the center of the trays.
  • Instead of passing the offering plate during the worship services, the offering will be collected at the exit doors.
  • Hand sanitizer stations are available at the sanctuary entrances.
  • Please remain home if you have been exposed in the past 14 days to someone diagnosed with COVID-19, if any health care provider has advised you to quarantine, or if you have any of these symptoms: fever, cough, shortness of breath.
  • Prayer requests submitted in advance via the church website or a prayer card (in the narthex) to be read during the service.

We look forward to worshipping our Lord and Savior with you this weekend! Please call the church office at 919-554-8109 if we can be of any assistance to you.